Film related websites:
Gypsy Caravan - our display of the musical world of the Roma, juxtaposed to the real world they live in. This documentary celebrates the luscious music of top international Gypsy performers and interweaves stirring real life tales of their home life and social background.
American Gypsy - the world of flamboyant Romani leader Jimmy Marks comes under threat. In a quest to defend his honor, he reveals the history of his people.
Maysles Films - the famous Maysles Brothers' film company. Albert Maysles shot our film about
the Gypsy Caravan tour.
Big Mouth Productions & Arts Engine - Inspiring social activist filmmakers. Our supporters for many years and collaborators on Gypsy Caravan. Sadly no longer an active company, but their work lives on.
Wadi Rum - makers of the 1999 award winning documentary Genghis Blues by Roko & Adrian Belic. Then worked on Freedom Writers, Beyond the Call, and the fabulous Happy movie.
www.wadirum.com &
Film Arts Foundation, San Francisco - incredibly supportive fiscal sponsors of American Gypsy &
Freedom Writers, and the largest independent filmmaker organization in the USA.
Rom related websites:
here for Romani site links
Music websites from our Gypsy Caravan film:
Below are links to the artist's current information. To learn more about these artists, please
visit: www.GypsyCaravanMovie.com/themusic_gc.php
Maharaja - from the Thar desert of northern India.
Fanfare Ciocarlia - the amazing Romanian brass band from Zece Prajini, a million miles from anywhere
else, but near the Moldavian border.
...and Fanfare Ciocarlia's label, Asphalt Tango Records, is devoted to Eastern European and Gypsy
style music by new and established artists. So if you want to check out their online music store:
Taraf de Haidouks - the famed international stars of movies and music awards, from a small Romanian
village near Bucharest. This site has pictures, background, some music and a tour schedule.
Antonio El Pipa & his flamenco ensemble - this flamenco family has been performing for generations.
Antonio and his aunt, Juana, were on the Gypsy Caravan tour and continue to create new shows and tour
World Music Institute - WMI is the passionate New York tour promoter that brought this whole
tour together, and they always have an array of interesting shows on offer from all round the world.
Esma Redzepova - the Macedonian diva who was known as the musical "Queen of the Gypsies" by
fellow musicians for 45 years passsed in 2016. Read about extraordinary life.
© Little Dust Productions, All Rights Reserved
Last Updated: January 2022